Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby’s First Toys, Your Voice and Face

Newborns see blurry images at birth and they cannot grip on toys. Hence your voice and your face are the best first toys for newborns. Get your husband and your relatives to play too if you need the little rest.
Talk to your newborn when you are changing diaper or giving him a sponge. Just talk to him about what you are doing, for instance just tell him “Mummy is changing your diapers. Now I got to clean your buttocks first. The water is warm.
(You may splash the water from a basin if you are using it). You like the water?
I am drying you with a cloth. Next I am putting on the diaper. Hmm, you smell good.”

Baby loves to hear your voice and this is the best way to teach languages. Your husband or helper can talk to him in another language for instance French, German, Spanish or Chinese. The rhythmic tone of your voice and the expressions on your face will amuse him for hours.
This will create a natural bond with your baby.

Make expressions with your face such as a grin for a happy face, a funny face, an angry face, a sad face or peek- a- boo or stick your tongue out. Your face is baby’s best cool toy. Start right at birth and you will be surprised that he could mimic you very soon. It is a joy watching your baby smile and laugh.

Sing lullaby to put baby to sleep. Babies love to hear their mother’s voice and to be sung to sleep. Leave him in the crib and sing. Occasionally you can put baby over your shoulder or on your arm and sing him to sleep. You may sit on a chair and relax.
Sing nursery rhymes while playing with him on the bed. If you are tired you may play the CD and let him muse himself.